Abstract :
The aim of this research is to know the Islamic learning concept along with its indicators and application in education based on K.H Ahmad Dahlan thought. Islamic learning theory is an alternative for educators to perform the education correctly as Alloh SWT’s command and as the Prophet Muhammad SAW’s model.
This research type was quantitative research, which studied K.H. Ahmad Dahlan thougt and the verses of the Koran and Sunnah and also books which were relevant to this research. In this research, researcher discussed some books for literature or references to get the materials that correspond with research theme.
Research on Islamic Learning method in management education perspective can be understood that Islamic learning method is a learning method that based on the Koran and Hadits. This learning method directly condemned by our Prophet Muhammad SAW when he taught the Islamic rules to his best friends. There are moral and ethic values in Islam, it colors the educational system. There are many components in this educational sytem based on K.H. Ahmad Dahlan thought. Islamic learning method on its implementation gives direction to the students to perform the learning process based on the syariat. Islamic learning method creates the education which has a character. Islamic learning method is part of education which has a duty to give provisions to the students for mastering knowledge and technology that is based on faith. Islamic learning method aims at creating a perfect human being. It is a human being having good behavior or holy character and also mastering knowledge and technology to get a happiness in this world and hereafter.
Key word: Islamic Learning/Islamic studies, education management.