IAIN Surakarta
Vivit, Rahmawati
Dr. H., Giyoto, M. Hum.
370 Education
2018-01-05 02:03:10
Abstract :
Vivit Rahmawati, SRN. 133221226, 2017. The Effectiveness of Word Find Puzzle to increase Teaching Vocabulary Mastery at the Seventh Grade of MTs Muhammadiyah 4 Sambungmacan in the Academic Year of 2017/2018. Thesis. Surakarta. English Education Department, Education and Teacher Learning Faculty. The State Islamic Institute Of Surakarta.
Advisor : Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum
Keywords :Teaching Vocabulary, Word Find Puzzle game, Experimental Research
The objective of the research is to know whether there is any significant difference in vocabulary mastery between the students who are taught a Word Find Puzzle game and those who are taught by using Memory game at Seventh Grade students of MTs Muhammadyah 4 Sambungmacan in the academic year of 2017/2018.
Related to the objective of the research, the research used pre-experimental quantitative research design. The design of the research is one-group pretest-posttest experimental design. The population of the research was the seventh grade students of MTs Muhammadyah 4 Sambungmacan in which consist of 60 students. The seventh grade students divide to two classes that were VII A and VII B. Based on the simple random sampling, VII A class was a subject for collecting the data and VII B class was a tryout the instrument. Both of the class consists of 30 students. The researcher were divided the member of VII A to two groups that were consist to 15 students. The data was taken from two groups: experimental class and control class. The researcher was used the simple random sampling technique. In the collecting the data, the researcher used 20 items multiple choice for pre test and post test. In analyzed the data, the researcher used SPSS program 24 for calculation the T-test.
The research finding of the research showed that there was any significant difference in vocabulary mastery between the students who were taught a Word Find Puzzle game and those who were taught by using Memory game at Seventh Grade students of MTs Muhammadyah 4 Sambungmacan in the academic year of 2017/2018. It can be seen from the hypothesis test indicated that there was a Sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 lower than the level of significance 0, 05. It meant that Ha was accepted while Ho was rejected. And also, it can be seen from the mean scores of post test in the experimental group that was 76,33 while the mean score of post test in control group was 71,33. It can be concluded that the Word Find Puzzle game and memory games were effective media that can be used in teaching learning vocabulary mastery. Meanwhile the mean score of post test showed that Word Find Puzzle game higher than Memory game.