Abstract :
The quality of education is influenced by various factors, one of which is the management of the headmaster. The purpose of this study to describe the management of head madrasah in improving the quality of education in Muhammadiyah Elementar School Miri Bulu Polokarto Sukoharjo
This study used a qualitative research method. The study was conducted in Muhammadiyah Elementary School Miri Bulu Polokarto Sukoharjo In January - February 2014. The subjects were; Principals and teachers Elementary School Miri Bulu Polokarto Sukaharjo. While informants were : Deputy Principals,Staff and Committee Madrasah Ibtidiyah Muhammadiyah Miri Bulu Polokarto Sukoharjo. Collectin data in this study with the method of observation, interviews, documentation. The validity of the data using triangulation techniques methods and sources. Data were analyzed using analysis model iteractive technique comprises ; data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion.
The results showed that the research on management headmaster in improving the quality of education in Muhammadiyah Elementary School Miri Bulu Polokarto Sukoharjo namely: (a) Effort to floorly quality of education, Head Based madrassa Islamic schools to apply and implement management models Implementation independent Madrasah. (b) professional development that is with heaply program of learning activities the implementation of learning activities, monitoring the implementation of learning, evaluation of learning activities. (c) the work done programmatically motivation and periode on activities held in school as well as in private meetings headmaster provide motivation towards personnel madrasah
Keywords: head madrasah. enhancement quality management, professional development and work motivation.