IAIN Surakarta
Dhanu, Rahmat
Fitriyah, Nurul Hidayati, M.Pd
370 Education
2017-08-11 03:07:11
Abstract :
Keywords :Teaching, Vocabulary, Descriptive study, Mental Retardation,
The objectives of this research are (1) To describe the teaching strategy
used by English teacher in teaching vocabulary at the Eighth grade of mental
retardation students of SMPLBYKABBoyolali in the academic year 2015/2016.
(2) To describe the problem in the teaching Vocabulary Mastery at the Eighth
grade of mental retardation students of SMPLBYKABBoyolali in the academic
year 2015/2016.
This research was conducted on February, 26th 2016 until May 4th, 2016for
the eighth grade of Mental Retardation Students at SMPLB YKAB Boyolali in the
Academic Year 2015/2016. The design of the research was descriptive qualitative
research. The subjects of this research were the students of 8C1 classconsisted
offormediumMental Retardation class consisted of 6 studentsand one English
teacher. The researcher chose Mental Retardation class of 8C1because based on
the interview with the English teacher, this class has good knowledge and more
active than other class.The data was collected from the observations and
interviews. This research usedmethodology triangulation.
The result showed that (1)the strategy used by the teacher in teaching
vocabulary the mild mental retardation students are context and memorization.
The teacher used text and picture as media in context strategy, while in
memorization, the teacher gave some noun vocabularies that have to be
memorized by the students. (2) There were two problems which appear in
teaching vocabulary mastery, namely; no upgrading for general teacher (non
PendidikanLuarBiasa teacher) in the SMPLB YKAB Boyolali. It made him
difficult to handle students. Students’ participation during teaching learning
process was less. They often did not ready attending English class. The teacher
should give more motivation to improve the students’ participation.