THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THINK ALOUD STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION ON NARRATIVE TEXT (An Experimental Study at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Sawit in the Academic Year of 2016/2017)
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IAIN Surakarta
Lupi, Karyawati
Dr. H., Sujito,M.Pd
370 Education 
2017-08-24 01:21:33 
Abstract :
Key Words : Effectiveness, THINK ALOUD, Reading Comprehension English has four skills, they are speaking, writing, reading, and listening. One of those skills is reading, which is perceives a written text in order to understand its contents. To understand the contents of the text, the students faced many problems. Some of them don’t understand about the meaning of the words and lack in vocabularies. Some of them think that reading is boring activity. The teaching and learning in the class only read the text and answer the question based on it. This condition and situation caused some of the students feel bored when they joint in the reading class. As an English teacher, we have to be able to find and use the right explanation above, the researcher is interested in find out the effect of treatment with THINK ALOUD Strategy in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text at the eighth grade of SMP N 1 Sawit in academic year 2016/2017. It is an Experimental Research. The research was carried out at SMPN 1 Sawit from June to October 2016. Here, the researcher takes data from the student eighth grade VIII A and VIII B as the sample of the research. The class VIII A as control group and VIII B as experimental group. Each class consists of 32 students. Dealing with the research instrument of collecting the data, the researcher uses a test. The test consists of pre-test and post-test. It was conducted before and after treatment. To analyze the data, the researcher applied the t-test. The result that the students mean in teaching reading comprehension who are taught by the Group Discussion strategy is only 70.62, while the students Mean in teaching reading comprehension who are taught by THINK ALOUD strategy is 83.98. the result of t-test computation that tobservation is 9.3 while the value ttable is 3.1. It shows that tobservation is higher than ttable ( to>tt). Therefore the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted while the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In other word, it can be concluded that THINK ALOUD strategy is effective to teach English lesson especially for reading comprehension at junior high school of SMPN 1 Sawit. 
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IAIN Surakarta