IAIN Surakarta
M. Abdurrohman, Latif
Dr. H., Sujito, M. Pd.
370 Education
2017-08-24 01:21:37
Abstract :
Key Words : Students‘ Habit, Speaking skill.
This research is intended to know whether there is correlation between the
habit of using English in daily life toward speaking skill of the first grade students
MAPK MAN 1 Surakarta in the academic year of 2016/2017.
The design of this research is correlational design. The research was
carried out of the first grade students MAPK MAN 1 Surakarta in the academic
year of 2016/2017. The population was the first grade students MAPK MAN 1
Surakarta. While the sample was 24 students of PK.Pa.1 class taken by cluster
random sampling technique. The instruments to collect the data were
questionnaire and test. Questionnaire is used to collect the habit of using English
data while the test is used to collect the speaking skill data. In analyzing the data,
the researcher used Person Product Moment formula to find the coefficient
correlation and simple linear regression to find the significance and linearity of
the variables.
The result of the research showed that there is positive correlation between
the habit of using English in daily life (X) and speaking skill (Y). The coefficient
correlation is higher than r-table (0.653 > 0.404). The result of the research
showed that the contribution of the habit of using English in daily life toward
speaking skill is 42.64%. Therefore, the researcher concluded that there is positive
significant correlation between the habit of using English in daily life and
speaking skill of the first grade students MAPK MAN 1 Surakarta in the academic
year of 2016/2017.