IAIN Surakarta
Nanang, Istanto
Dr., Imroatus Solikhah, M.Pd
370 Education
2017-08-24 02:12:56
Abstract :
Key words : Teachers’ Problem on Teaching Speaking Skill
The aims of this research are (1) to describe the teaching Problem faced by
teachers on teaching English speaking at SMK N 1 Kedawung academic years
2016/2017 (2) to describe the problem solving of the teaching speaking that
teachers used at SMK N 1 Kedawung academic year 2016/2017 (3) to describe
the teaching strategies that are used by the teacher in teaching English speaking at
SMK N 1 Kedawung academic year 2016/2017.
The research design that is used in this research is qualitative research.
The sources of the data were events, information, and documents. The data were
collected by observation, interview, and document analysis and checked of the
trustworthiness in the form triangulation. The data were analyzed by reducing the
data, presenting the data, and taking the conclusion and verification.
The research findings show that the teachers face the problem in teaching
English speaking. The teachers have the problem including teachers cannot
control the classroom management, students are lacking vocabulary, students are
unconfident. The problem solving of the teachers that talkactive, giving a task,
question and answer and demonstration and expository. The methods that are used
by the teachers include; talk active, giving a task, question and answer, inquiry,
demonstration and expository. While, the techniques that are used by the teachers
includes; storytelling, reporting, answer and question, brainstorming, presentation,
discussion, missing lyric, finding new vocabularies, debate, challenge, listening to
the music, and picture describing. The weaknesses of strategy implemented by the
teacher are; (1) storytelling technique could not open the student’s mind, because
it just memorizing not thinking (2) in talkactive technique some students just
talking to others without listening to the teacher. The strength of the strategies that
implemented by the teacher makes the student can enrich their vocabulary by
using drama and listening to the music. Students’ responses positively toward the
implementation of strategies including; (1) The students get their spirit in teaching
learning process and able to improve their speaking skill by using the variation
teaching technique and methods, (2) teachers’ motivations to listen the music
continuously also can enrich their vocabularies, (3) Giving a task makes the
students more understand about the material that has been taught by the teacher.
While, students’ response negatively is showed especially in discussion, this
technique is wasting time.