IAIN Surakarta
Rina, Lestiyaningsih
Muhamad, Zaenal Muttaqien, S.S., M.Hum
370 Education
2017-08-24 03:04:54
Abstract :
Key word : video, writing, procedure text.
This research aims to know whether the use of video media is effective or not for teaching
procedure text writing to the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Banyudono in the Academic
Year of 2015/2016.
This research used quantitative approach with experimental method. The researcher used
quasi-experimental design. The population was all the students of eleventh grade students in
SMA N 1 Banyudono in the Academic Year of 2015/2016. The experimental class who were
taught by video and the control class who were by textbook. The video and textbook are media
that can be used to support teaching learning process in the classroom. Both of them can be used
by teacher to convey the material to the students.The researcher used cluster random sampling to
determine the subject of the research. The researcher took 54 students from total 192 students as
the sample. The researcher used tests to collect the data.
The results of the research show that; the students who were taught using video has higher
score in procedure text writing than the students who were taught by using textbooks.
Furthermore the research showed the mean of students post-test for experimental class is 77.01
and for control class is 73.50. It shows that there was significant difference between the students
who were taught by using video and those were taught by using textbooks. The result of t-test
showed that t score is higher (2.173) than t table (2.007). Based on the explanation above, the
researcher concludes that using video is effective to teach procedure text writing