An Items Analysis of English Mid Term Test of Second Years in Odd Semester in SMP Islam Al Abidin Surakarta in Academis Year 2014/2015
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IAIN Surakarta
Rini, Nurrohmah
Hj., Suprapti, M.Pd.
370 Education 
2017-09-07 01:19:11 
Abstract :
Key word : English Mid Term test, item analysis The purpose of this research is identifying whether the items of the English Mid Term Test of Second Years in Odd Semester in SMP Islam Al Abidin Surakarta in Academic Year 2014/2015 fulfill the criteria of a good test according to Nurkancana and Sumartana theory. A good test in term of the quality of validity, reliability, difficulty level, and discriminating power. The concern of the study is the quality of multiple choice test items. The design is content analysis with descriptive qualitative method. The researcher analyses the English Mid Term Test of Second Years in Odd Semester in SMP Islam Al Abidin Surakarta. The technique of collecting data is documentation. The data is English Mid Term test for second year of SMP Islam Al Abidin Surakarta in academic year 2014/2015 in term of multiple choice, the key answer of the test, the grille of the test, and the students’ answer sheet. The data were analyzed by steps: (1) analysis of validity, (2) analysis of reliability, (3) analysis of difficulty level, and (4) analysis of discriminating power. Based on the result of analysis of the English Mid Term Test of Second Years in Odd Semester in SMP Islam Al Abidin Surakarta, there are some conclusions that can be drawn: (1) viewed from the validity, the validity has 100% valid with the grille of the test, (2) viewed from the reliability in multiple choice items is 0,77. Then, (3) viewed from the difficulty level in multiple choice items 40% easy, 60% moderate, and none of multiple choice items as difficulty item, and (4) viewed from the discriminating power in multiple choice items are 28% very good/ideal and 72% poor or not ideal. Suggestion for teacher and test maker is they should analyze the result of students test items to know the quality of the test. It can be used reflection in the next test. Then, the other researcher can use this research as reference before conducting other research related to this study 
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