IAIN Surakarta
Septi, Eka Damayanti
Hj., Suprapti, M.Pd
370 Education
2017-09-07 01:19:21
Abstract :
Keyword : picture strip story, speaking skill, CAR.
The objectives of the research is to know the implementation of the picture
strip story can improve the students‟ speaking skill at the eighth grade of SMP
Muhammadiyah Tempuran academic year 2015/2016
This is a classroom action research. The research was conducted at SMP
Muhammadiyah Tempuran located in Jl. Magelang-Purworejo Km 10, Kab.
Magelang Telp/Fax : (0293) 3215134. The subjects of the research were the
students of VIII A that they had a low score in English lesson. The researcher
taking action on class that inquaring about the problem. The research included
pre-test and two cycles. Every cycle consist of three meetings. in the last meeting,
the researcher carry out the test(post-test) that is to know the improvement
students‟ speaking skill.
The result: the implementation of picture strip story to improve students‟
speaking skill. In the third meeting on every cycle, the students perfomance at the
front of class to role a mini drama. The improvements of the students‟ speaking
skill could seen from the result of the test. The students‟ mean score is 30 in pretest,
52,6 in post-test 1, and 71,2 in post-test 2. It showed the improvement of the
students‟ mean score after they were given treatment by using picture strip story
Therefore, teachers need to be creative in teaching. Teachers also need to
know the students‟ ability