IAIN Surakarta
Septiana, Dyah Untari
Hj., Suprapti, M.Pd
370 Education
2017-09-07 01:19:35
Abstract :
Key words: Scientific Approach, Teaching and Learning, Reading Comprehension
The problems statement of this research are: (1) How is the Implementation of
Scientific Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension for the Tenth Grade
Students of SMAN 2 Karanganyar in 2016/2017 Academic Year, (2) What are the
strengths and the weaknesses of scientific approach in teaching reading
comprehension tenth grade students of SMAN 2 Karanganyar in 2016/2017 academic
year. Thus, aims of this research are: to describe the Implementation of Scientific
Approach in the Teaching of Reading Comprehension for the Tenth Grade Students
of SMAN 2 Karanganyar, to find the strengths and the weaknesses of Scientific
Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 2
Karanganyar in 2016/2017 Academic Year.
This research is descriptive qualitative, because the researcher used
descriptive method to analize the data and the data are in the form of word. This
research conducted in SMAN 2 Karanganyar. The researcher used three techniques to
collecting the data. Those are observation, interview and study document. The
researcher did two observations in class. The subject of the interview is the teacher as
implementer the teaching learning process. While in the study document the
researcher collected the sylaby, lesson plan and permendikbud.
The research findings are (1) the Implementation of the Scientific Approach in
the Teaching of Reading Comprehension for the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 2
Karanganyar was good, because was appropriate with the regulation, (2) in applying
scientific approach, the teacher used five phase, those are observing, questioning,
experimenting, associating, and communicating. The teacher used authentic
assessment in the evaluation. It covers three aspects namely, students‟ attitude,
students‟ knowledge and students‟ skill. Based on the second meeting, the English
teacher uses writing test to assess the cognitive aspect of the students.