IAIN Surakarta
Ahmat, Komarudin
SF, Luthfie Arguby P., S.S, M.Hum
410 Linguistics
2017-09-14 06:56:29
Abstract :
Key Words : Transcreation, Structuralism, Traditional Game
The objective of the study is questioning the presence of transcreation in English and
Indonesian traditional games through the analysis of similarities, differencess and significances
in term transcreation are indicated in English and Indonesian traditional games. The purpose of
the research is to find the similarities, differencess and sicnificances
The design used in this research is a descriptive qualitative. The researcher select eight
games which have similarities on the concept. They are engklek, hopscotch, petak umpet, hide
and seek, congklak, mancala, suit jari, rock-paper-scissors. The technique of the collecting data
was done through web based search. The technique of analyzing data used the interactive
analysis consists of data reduction, data display, and conclusion of data. The data is taken from
English and Indonesian traditional games. The trustworthiness in thesis was done by validation
by a lecture who was in a writing of traditional games.
In this research the researcher finds the similarities of the taditional games which become
the object of the research. The similarities of the games are indicated by comparing both of
paired similar games. The research finds that the similarities of the paired games appear in some
elements such asparticipants, equipments, venue and procedure. Whereas, the differencess
appear in some parts only, it does not appear in the whole elements. The differences of the game
make the paired games have different forms. The differencess do not make the game has a
significant diversity. The reseacher also reveal the significance of transcreation between the
games. With the term, the researcher make a conclution that the whole source of the games
deliver from English traditional games. This statement is based from the game form. The whole
English traditional games which become the object has more simple forms, but Indonesian
traditional games have more completed form.