A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ENGLISH LEARNING STYLES (A Case Study at Junior High Students of “HOMESCHOOLING KAK SETO SOLO” in Second Semester of Academic Year 2015/2016)
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IAIN Surakarta
Qurnia, Wiyasa Nugrahaeni
Rochmat, Budi Santoso, M.Pd
370 Education 
2017-09-15 02:55:53 
Abstract :
Key words : learning style, factors, homeschooling All of students have different way or style in learning something. It is also occur in Junior High students of “HOMESCHOOLING KAK SETO SOLO”. It is interest to analyze about students’ learning style especially in English lesson. From this case, the researcher try to find some aspects of students’ English learning style such as how is the students’ English learning style, the internal factors of students’ English learning style, the external factors of students’ English learning style and the dominant learning style of each class. The researcher uses the descriptive qualitative research. It is part of qualitative research. The researcher takes some data from observation, interview, questionnaire and document analysis. The researcher considers the event, informant and document as the source of the research. In drawing conclusion, the researcher analyzes the research findings with the relevant theories. The researcher finds the answer of the research problems such as the students’ English learning style, the internal factors, the external factors and the dominant learning style. There are some style such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic and multiple sensory (audio-kinesthetic). The internal factors are psychology aspects and physiology aspects. The external factors are social environment aspects and non-social environment aspects. The dominant learning style in seventh grade class is visual style. In eighth grade class is visual class. The ninth grade class is visual and kinesthetic class. 
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IAIN Surakarta