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IAIN Surakarta
Nur, Rosit Suwarno
Drs. Ah., Kholis Hayatuddin, M.Ag
305 Social groups 
2017-09-28 02:29:39 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Nur Rosit Suwarno, NIM 112121020, “SAPTA SILA PAGAR NUSA KARTASURA IN AL-MAá¹¢LAḤAH AL-MURSALAH PERSPECTIVE” The law develops with the times, many things in religious activities that also growing. Of course there must be rules in this development to remain appropriate with the objectives of syar‟i expected from those activities development. This development not only penetrated in religious world but also penetrated in activities of Pencak Sila NU Pagar Nusa Kartasura in Kartasura, Sukoharjo by making a rule called Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura is one of products from Pagar Nusa Kartasura initiated by Iman Widodo. It contains about seven rules to manage members of Pagar Nusa Kartasura. The core of this Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura is rules used to manage members of Pagar Nusa Kartasura from negative impacts of martial arts developments with explanations in every point. This research is interesting for the writer because Pencak Silat NU Pagar Nusa Kartasura is martial arts that has religious organization background which is NU, make a rule named Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura. Of course the formation of this Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura must appropriate with the great objective of syar‟i which is to maintain five principal purpose of Syar‟i. Therefore, the researcher uses Al-maá¹£laḥah Al-mursalah method to study about this Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura to know the benefit of this Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura. This research used descriptive qualitative method, which explains about Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura in Al-maá¹£laḥah Al-mursalah perspectives. The primary data in this research is the data collected from Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa and about Al-maá¹£laḥah Al-mursalah. Using literature research methods and qualitative research properties with inductive data analysis. The result from this research are first based on existence of this Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura is included in the benefit level of Al-maá¹£laḥah Al-mursalah. Second based from benefit level of this Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura is classified as hajiyat type. Key Words: Sapta Sila Pagar Nusa Kartasura, Al-maá¹£laḥah Al-mursalah 

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IAIN Surakarta