Abstract :
The aim of this study was to analyze Clause Complexes and Clause Type relized on Bill Gates interview script entitles ?How We must Respond to The Coronavirus Pandemic? In TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). The sourch of data was Bill Gates?s interview script. The writer used Gerot and Wignel theory. The analysis used descriptive qualitative method, Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods by Steve J. Taylor., at. all. The writer used six steps to analyze the data first, the witer had watch Bill Gates?s interview on youtube, the second the writer had copy the script of Bill Gates?s interview on youtube, the third the writer had read the script of Bill Gates? interview, next the writer had to identify the components of clause complexes and clause type, the writer describe the analysis in each identification, and the last the writer had to draw the conclusion. Finally, based on the result of the analysis clause complexes and clause type of Bill Gates?s interview script, it could be concluded there were 452 clauses devided in 2 types of clause complexes. It was 422 clauses which belonged expansion, there was elaboration with each relationship 85 clauses, extension with each relationship 244 clauses and enhancement 93 clauses. In projection there was 10 Verbal clause and 20 Mental clause. Besides that, there were the total clause type find 708 clause. Minor was 33 clause, in major there were 251 independent clauses and 249 dependent clauses. The independent clause consists of 33 non-elliptical clauses and 35 elliptical clauses. The number of dependent clause was 249. Comprisied embedded clause 61 and non-embedded clause was 46.