Abstract :
This study aimed to know how the implementation of classroom language used by English teachers in SMA Islam Ta?allumul Huda Bumiayu. This aims were to answer two research questions which were proposed by the writer. The research questions were: 1) How classroom language used by English teachers to teach based on classroom chronological order? 2) How classroom language used by English teachers to teach based on classroom language function?. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative. The technique of data collection in this study were used observation, interview, and documentation. The writer conducted the observation at four classes, they are X Bahasa (Wajib), X Bahasa (Peminatan), XI Bahasa (Wajib), XI IPS1. The writer used data reduction, data display and conclusion to analyze the data. The findings showed that the implementation of classroom language used by the English teacher was run well, both of English teachers revealed that the students of Bahasa and IPA were more active in the used of classroom language than the students of IPS. The students of Bahasa and IPA knew the classroom language mentioned by two English teachers directly, while students of IPS needed repetition so they could know classroom language that said by the English teachers. Furthermore, the English teachers should be more active gave stimulus to students of IPS, so the students could be know the teachers said and active in every classroom activities.