Abstract :
The aim of this research was to find out whether using ?Draw What I Say? technique is effective for teaching writing in descriptive text on the tenth grade students of SMK Nurul Huda NU Paguyangan in the academic year 2015/2016 or not. The method of the research was experimental. The population of this research was the tenth grade students of SMK Nurul Huda NU Paguyangan. The samples of the research were class X AK1 as experimental class which consisted of 27 students and class X AK2 as control class which consisted of 27 students. In collecting the data, the writer used test (pre and post-test), questionnaire, and documentation. The writer used true experimental design and quantitative method to analyze the data. After the data had been collected by using test, it was found that the pre-test average of the experimental class was 65.04 and control class was 65.63. Meanwhile, the post-test average of the experimental class was 68.59 and control class was 65.78. Based on data analysis by using SPSS 16.0 program, it was found that the score sig was 0.523 (more than 0.05) and the score from Equal Variance Assumed (Sig 2-tailed) was 0.012 (less than 0.05). It meant that both of classes have same variant but have difference achievement. Besides, the mean of experimental class was higher than control class (68.59 > 65.78). From the data, it could be concluded that the treatment in experimental class was successful. The hypothesis which states that using? Draw What I Say? technique was effective for teaching writing in descriptive text on the tenth grade students of SMK Nurul Huda NU Paguyangan in the academic year 2015/2016 was accepted and effective.