Abstract :
The aim of this study is to know whether PWIM can improve the students? writing skill in descriptive text online learning. In doing this study, the writer uses classroom action research as research design. The data of this study is the students of SMP An-Nuriyyah Bumiayu in the academic year 2019/2020 class VII D. There are 29 students consist of 17 males and 12 females. The writer uses classroom action research through online learning because of covid-19. Online learning is electronically supported learning that relies on the internet for teacher or student interaction and the distribution of class materials. Based on Kemmiss and Mc Taggart concept, namely: planning, action, observation, reflection and revised plan. This research has the objectives to know whether PWIM can improve the students? writing skill in descriptive text and to describe how PWIM improve the students? writing skill in descriptive text or not at class VII D students of SMP An-Nuriyyah Bumiayu in the academic year 2019/2020. There are four techniques in collecting data, namely: observation, test, questionnaire, and documentation. The research conducts in two cycles. The first cycle consists of two meetings (pre-test), and for the second cycle consist two meetings (post-test). To find out the problem, the writer uses pre-observation and pre-test. The results shows that the students? English writing test improve in each test. The increase obtained from pre-cycle to cycle 1 is 6,7%, and the increase from cycle 1 to cycle 2 is 22,2%. In pre-cycle to cycle 1 The mean score of the students in pre-test is 63 and post-test is 77. It reaches out the point 72 as the minimum criteria of mastery learning of English lesson. Based on the result, the students? writing skill improves through PWIM in online teaching learning process.