Abstract :
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the grammatical intricacy and lexical density on genres in national examination texts. The source of data is genres in national examination. In this thesis, the writer analyzed the genre in the National Examination, and then identified the content words, grammatical words, clause and sentences. The writer uses functional grammar theory from Gerot and Wignell (1994). The writer uses descriptive qualitative design and SLBC (Simak Bebas Libat Cakap) as the method. The writer uses seven steps to analyze the data. They are indentifying, counting, listing on table, measuring the grammatical intricacy and lexical density, analyzing the level of gramatical intricacy and lexical density of each text, writing and describing the results on the level of grammatical intricacy and lexical density on texts, and concluding the findings. The result of data analysis of grammatical intricacy and lexical density on genres in national examination texts is twelve texts of genres on reading section and three texts of genres in listening section. From the analysis of content words, grammatical words, clauses and sentences on twelve genres in reading section, the writer finds the different result of calculating grammatical intricacy and lexical density in each text, the number of content words tend to higher than the number of grammatical intricacy per clause complex and the number of lexical density tend to be higher than the number of grammatical intricacy from all texts. It means they tend to be included in written text. The text of reading section in national examination contains written language. From the analysis of content words, grammatical words, clauses, and sentences on three genres in listening section, the writer finds the different result of calculating grammatical intricacy and lexical density in each text, but the result is same with reading section. The number of content words tend to higher than the number of grammatical intricacy per clause complex and the number of lexical density tend to be higher than the number of grammatical intricacy from all texts. It tends to be included in written text. The text of listening section in national examination also contains written language. The reading section is ideal that contains written text, but the listening section is not ideal because it should tend to contain spoken text.