Abstract :
This thesis discribe about the implmentation of Facebook in English community program. The reason for choosing because SMA BU NU Bumiayu has English community program through Facebook. The design of the study was an the desciptive qualitative study. The tecnique of data colletion used library research, observation, interview and documentation study. The analyzing the data, the writer used data reduction, data display and conclusion. The subjects of the research were the leader, the English tutor, admin of English community, member of English community at SMA BU NU Bumiayu. After the data research had been collected and analyzied, it was found that Faebook English community increase the motivation and learning English. the result of program Facebook in English community as follow: English thematic, Translation, Study group, Peer teaching, Environment, PPL (Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan), Camp center. All of the methods are managed as good as possible to improve the ability and its component. because it forces the students to improving English ability and motivation. The finding of the research have a contribution to English education especially in the implementation of Facebook English community. It can be conclude from the findings of the research that SMA BU NU Bumiayu emphasize on English learning motivation and ability. The students can use english in their daily life