Abstract :
The purpose of the study was to determine the level of significant of the influence of the LDR, IPR, NPL, APB, IRR, PDN, BOPO and FBIR simultaneously and partially toward CAR.This study used population at the Devisa National Private Bank which based on certain criteria from period 2011 to 2015. The sample were selected used purposive sampling technique. Data used is secondary data. Methods of data collection using the method of documentation. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis.This conclusion of the research is LDR, IPR, NPL, APB, IRR, PDN, BOPO and FBIR, simultaneously have a significant impact on CAR. Partially APB and IRR have a significant influence while the LDR, IPR, NPL, PDN, BOPO dan FBIR, have unsignificant influence, and the variable domain of the those variable NPL.
Keyword : Business Risk And Capital Adequacy Ratio