Abstract :
The industry of Banking is one of the industry that information of technology has important function to optimalize the function of information for make the appropiate decision in planning, implementation of accounting system, and controlling. PT BRI Mojokerto branch is using some of application of core banking system for based operational in banking. New core banking system BRINETS (BRI Integrated Net-work and Information System) has been established by BRI to change the prevous system, and move from the distributed system become centralized system. Branch Delivery System (BDS) was established as the inovation of BRINETS system that have function in processing data of activity operational cash that consist of input, process, and output to increase internal control in BRI. To knowing how the implementation accounting information system of cash with using Branch Delivery System (BDS) can increase the internal control in PT BRI Mojokerto branch, so, the analysing is done based on the five elements of the internal control by ISA 315. Firstly, The analysing in control environtment has showed by separating job description in organization structure. Secondly, Risk assessment has showed by assessment of human fraud risk, processing data risk, and financial report risk. Thirdly, Information system has showed by controlling system by BDS. Forthly, Control activities has showed by Standar Operasional Procedure of bank. And Fifthly, monitoring has done by The leader of branch, Operational Manager and Supervisor. The control system is designed to give conviction that the assets of bank was kept safety and financial report available accurately.
Keyword : Accounting information system, BDS, Internal control.