Abstract :
The purpose of this study was design a Balanced Scorecard performance measurement that is integrated with Six Sigma methods in PT Jasuindo Tiga Perkasa, Tbk. Balanced Scorecard is a measurement method performance that measure include the four perspectives are financial performance (financial perspective) and non-financial performance (customer performance, internal business processes perspective, learning and growth perspective). Intregration of the two seen in the DMAIC process (define,measure, analyze, improvement, control). Analysis technique to identify the vision, mission,objectives, SWOT analysis and corporate strategy, according the measurement of key performance indicators of each perspective, the analysis will be done in case of a decrease in performance, make improvements to find solution, and control. This study also measures the level of Six Sigma where the company managed to achieve sigma level is 6,20 with precentage 99,999869%. The results obtainded from measurement in accordance with the key performance indicators of the financial perspective has increased every year, there is still a customer perspective that declined, internal business process perspective has increased each, and learning and growth perspective there is still declined.
Key words : Balanced Scorecard, Six Sigma, DMAIC, Performance.