Abstract :
This study aims to describe how herding behavior can influence the investment decisions of novice investors in Surabaya and how the impact of herding behavior on investment decisions taken by novice investors in Surabaya. This study uses a research design that refers to phenomenology. This research includes qualitative research, which is seen from the point of view of research methods. This study uses an interpretive paradigm approach. In this study, the research area was in Surabaya which matched the informants and supported the smooth running of the research. The researcher also limits the time period used, namely the period 2020-2021, and the sample used is novice investors in Surabaya who have only invested within one to two years on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The informant fraud technique uses a purposive sampling method. This study used the interview method boldly in collecting data. The results of the research can be won by the majority of the selected informants representing novice investors in Surabaya still carrying out herding behavior. Beginner investors in Surabaya tend to engage in herding behavior caused by a lack of understanding of knowledge and skills in assessing a financial institution. It was found that herding behavior has a negative impact on novice investors and the stock market.
Keywords: Herding behavior, Investment Decision, Beginner Investors, Behavior Analysis