Abstract :
Financial performance is a paramount importance in analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the company. This performance can be seen through the company's financial statements. A careful analysis of financial statements could be used as a basis for making investment decisions for investors. This study aimed to examine the effect of financial performance on stock returns companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2010-2012. The variables used in this study the independent variables with the financial performance indicators ROE , EPS , EVA , and FVA and the dependent variable stock returns. The selection of the sample using purposive sampling technique, the final results of samples examined in this study were 69 companies manufacturing and testing techniques using WarpPLS 4.0. The results of the test showed no effect of financial performance on stock returns with significant results 0.054 above 0.05 do not support the theory.
Keywords : ROE, EPS, EVA, FVA, Stock Return