Abstract :
Savings is a one product of Bank, that has been widely felt by the public , each bank competes to strive provide a good service and provide convenience for all customers in gaining market competition. One of the products in Bank Jatim is Simpeda savings. Place of research at Bank Jatim branch Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. To obtain the data required in the preparation of this thesis used a several methods of analysis data collection that is by the interviews , methods of documentation and research observasi. Research methods used is a descriptive analysis, in which the data were obtained from the processed result , analyzed and further processed by theory and the theorys has been learned. Results of the research conducted was to determine the characteristics of Simpeda savings, savings opening procedure and transactions until closing savings and the problems or constraints that exist and solutions that can be taken in the implementation of the Simpeda savings Based on the results of research and discussion , it can be seen that the savings owners Simpeda not only Indonesian citizens , but also foreigners can have it with attractive interest rates on offered. Not only that , each customer also has the opportunity to follow a very attractive prize draw from Bank jatim.
Keyword : Simpeda saving, Bank Jatim Branch Dr Soetomo Surabaya, saving account transaction.