Abstract :
In achieving business excellence, the company strives with the strategy and This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of brand awareness, brand image and perceived quality on purchasing decisions for Reebok sports shoes in Surabaya. The population in this study are consumers of Rebook shoes in Surabaya. The data source used is primary data. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling method. The population size is not known with certainty because the population is very large and unlimited, so in order to determine the number of samples, the Lemeshow formula can be used to obtain 98 respondents. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 23.0. The results showed that brand awareness, brand image and perceived quality partially and simultaneously had a significant effect on purchasing decisions for Reebok sports shoes in Surabaya. The R Square value indicates that brand awareness, brand image and perceived quality variables can explain 61.3% of brand loyalty, while the remaining 38.7% is explained by other factors.