Pengaruh Likuiditas, Kualitas Aset, Sensitivitas, Dan Inefisiensi Terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Umum Swasta Nasional Devisa Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya
Shania, Della Arum
2023-12-27 03:44:55 
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to analyze the Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR), Investing Policy Ratio (IPR), Loan to Asset Ratio (LAR), Troubled Earning Assets (APB), Non Performing Loans (NPL), Interest Rate Risk (IRR), Net Open Position (PDN), Operational Costs to Operating Income (BOPO) and Fee Based Income Ratio (FBIR) to Return On Assets (ROA) at Foreign Exchange National Private Commercial Banks. The sample of this research is 25 BUSN which are listen on the Indonesia Stock Exchange using purposive sampling method. This study uses secondary data from financial report for the period 2018 to 2021. The data analysis technique is descriptive analysis and uses multiple linear regression analysis. The result of this study reveal that simultaneously LDR, IPR, LAR, APB, NPL, IRR, PDN, BOPO and FBIR have a significant effect on ROA. Partially LDR and FBIR have a significant positive effect on ROA. IPR, LAR, APB adn PDN have no significant negative effect on ROA. NPL has no significant positive effect on ROA. BOPO has a significant negative effect on ROA. Keywords : Bank, BUSN, Foreign Exchange, ROA 
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya