Abstract :
This research aims to determine the factors that affect the return on investments in equity securities. This study examines whether the profitability ratios, liquidity, leverage, activity ratio and firm size is a factor that may affect the return on investment. Investors basically want to increase the return on investment, such as dividends and capital gains. In this study focuses only dividends as a return.
The population of this research is manufacture and non manufacture example bank and other financial companies which listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), there is 13 companies. Research sample using purposive sampling of companies for period ended 2008 ? 2010 analyzed by using the two tail linear regression methodology
This research concludes that ROI, DER and PER positive significant influence, while the ROE variable have negative significant influence to Devidend Payout Ratio. The current ratio and firm size variable hasn?t significant influence to Devidend Payout Ratio.
Keyword: Dividend Payout Ratio, ROI, ROE, Current Ratio, DER, PER and firm size.