Abstract :
This study aims to examine the effect of Hedonic Shopping Value, Visual Appeal, Arousal, and Pleasure on Impulsive Buying. In this study, data was collected using the primary data quantitative method by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. The population used is based on consumers who use the Shopee application in Surabaya, with predetermined criteria, so that a total of 147 samples are obtained. The data analysis technique used was through validity and reliability tests, using partial and simultaneous analysis on IBM SPSS 25 software. The results showed that Hedonic Shopping Value, Visual Appeal, and Arousal had no significant positive effect on Impulsive Buying. Conversely, Pleasure has a significant positive effect on Impulsive Buying.
Keywords: Impulsive Buying, Hedonic Shopping Value, Visual Appeal, Arousal, Pleasure, Marketing Management