Pengaruh Dana Simpanan, Likuiditas, Ukuran Bank, Risiko Pembiayaan Terhadap Pembiayaan Bank Syariah Selama Turbulensi Ekonomi
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya
Anggraini, Arisma Dwi
2024-05-16 03:13:19 
Abstract :
This research aims to examine the influence of Economic Turbulence, Savings Funds, Liquidity, Bank Size, and Financing Risk on Sharia Bank Financing. The sample consists of 10 Sharia Commercial Banks during the 6 year observation period. This sampling technique uses Purposive Sampling. The analysis used is panel data regression with the best fixed effect model. The data source in this research was obtained from financial report data published at the Financial Services Authority (OJK). This research is a type of research using a quantitative approach. The data used is secondary data taken as a source in the form of quarterly financial reports for 2017-2022. The results show that together economic turbulence, deposit funds, liquidity, bank size and financing risk have a simultaneous effect on sharia bank financing. Partially, savings funds have a significant positive effect on financing. Bank size has a significant negative effect on sharia bank financing, while economic turbulence, liquidity and financing risk have no effect on sharia bank financing. 
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya