Abstract :
This study tested the model of belief adjustment in investment decision. This study aims to examine the difference in the final judgement given by investors using belief adjustment considering on the pattern of presentation (Step by Step and End of Sequence), order of information, series information and the level of overconfidence againts investment decision making. Design of Experiments in this study is that pattern of presentation 2x2x2x2 , Step by Step and End of Sequence, order of information (good news followed by bad news and bad news followed by good news), series information (long series dan short series) and the level of overconfidence. participants involved in this research were students Perbanas Surabaya bachelor degree majoring Accounting or Management that are being or haven taken courses of Financial Statement Analysis, Investment Management and portofolio or Investment Management and Capital Markets.
The research hypothesis of research in this study were tested by Independent Sample t-test. The result in this study showed the recency effect on the pattern of presentation of the Step by Step for long series information and short serie informations. This is also reflected in the End of Sequence showed no effects occur on the order of a long series information and recency effects occur in a short series information. Overall the results of this study indicate that the belief adjustment model developed by Hogarth and Einhorn (1992) is partially hold in investment decision making.
Keywords: Step by Step, End of Sequence, Overconfidence, Investment Decision