Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya
332.12 - BANKS & BANKING
2017-04-26 08:22:56
Abstract :
The purpose of the research is to determine LDR, IPR, NPL, APB, IRR, PDN,
BOPO and FBIR simultaneously and partially have significant influence toward Capital
Adequacy Ratio (CAR).
Population were the On Foreign Exchange National Private Banks. Sampling
technique is purposive sampling so that the selected Bank were PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia,
Tbk, PT. Bank Permata, Tbk ,PT. Bank UOB Indonesia, Tbk , PT. Bank. Data collected by
the methods of documentation and analysis were performed by linear multiple regression
analysis technique.
Results shows that LDR, IPR, NPL, APB, IRR, PDN BOPO, and FBIR
simultaneously have significant effect toward CAR ratio On Foreign Exchange National
Private Banks. Partially LDR ratio significantly has a positive effect on CAR ratio On
Foreign Exchange National Private Banks and Partially BOPO ratio significantly has a
negative effect on CAR ratio On Foreign Exchange National Private Banks. Meanwhile IPR ,
NPL, and PDN has a positive effect but insignificant toward CAR ratio On Foreign
Exchange National Private Banks. On the other side, APB, IRR and FBIR have negative
effect but insignificant toward CAR ratio On Foreign Exchange National Private Banks.
Keywords: Liquidity Risk, Credit Risk, Market Risks, Operational Risks, CAR