Abstract :
The public accounting profession whose
responsibility is to audit of financial
statements issued by the company. The public
accounting profession is required to raise the
reliability of financial reporting, so that use
rs of financial statements to obtain reliable
information on the financial statements issued by the company.
The purpose of this research is to know
are there any influence between competence
and independence to the audit quality of public ac
countant office in Surabaya. This research
use primary data. And the data sources are taken from research to the fact including opinion
or respondent opinion. The object of the research is 16 public accountant offices in Surabaya
and 35 auditors as the research respondent. This research use random sampling as the
sample taking method.
This research also use normality test, heterokedastisitas test, multiple linier
regression test, and hypothesis test use t test an
d F test. Overall this test using SPSS version
17.0 as the data analysis technique. The result of this research showed that the competence
and independence of the auditors influenced significantly to the audit quality.
Keyword : Competence, Independence, And Audit Quality