Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Dengan Metode Risk Based Bank Rating (RBBR) Pada Bank Umum Swasta Nasional Devisa
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya
Sinta, Petra Eka
2023-01-31 01:46:06 
Abstract :
Analysis of Bank Soundness Level Using Risk Based Bank Rating (RBBR) Method at National Private Foreign Exchange Commercial Banks. The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the influence of LDR, NPL, NIM, ROA, CAR GCG and BOPO simultaneously and partially has a significant effect on the Bank's Soundness Level. The sample in this study used 3 banks, namely Bank Bumi Artha, Bank Maspion Indonesia and Bank Victoria Internasional. The data and methods in data collection in this study used secondary data taken from the financial statements of the National Private Foreign Exchange Bank. The research period was from the first quarter of 2017 to the second quarter of 2021. The analysis technique in this study used logistic regression analysis and the results of this study showed that LDR, NPL, NIM, CAR, and GCG partially have an insignificant positive effect on the Bank's Soundness Level. ROA and BOPO partially have an insignificant negative effect on the Bank's Soundness Level at the National Private Foreign Exchange Commercial Bank. Keywords: Liquidity, Asset Quality, Efficiency, Profitability,Capital Adequency Rasio, Good Governance, Bank Health Level Based on Risk, Method Risk Based Bank Rating (RBBR), Development General Bank. 
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya