Abstract :
Like other cities in Indonesia, the number of accidents in Salatiga City is
quite high. Based on data from the Salatiga City Police Traffic Unit, the number
of traffic accidents in 2018 was 112 incidents, 28 people died, 12 people were
seriously injured, 132 minor injuries, Rp. 83.750.000.00 million rupiahs. The
number of traffic accidents in 2019 was 296 incidents, 32 people died, 10 people
were seriously injured, 285 people were minor injured, and material losses were million rupiahs. And the number of traffic accidents in 2020 was
221 accidents, 19 people died, 1 person was seriously injured, 267 people were
lightly injured, and material losses were 134.700.000 million rupiahs.
The data used in this study is using secondary data regarding traffic
accident data in the last 3 years (2018-2020) with the relevant agencies,
specifically the Salatiga City Police Traffic Unit, which is then analyzed using the
EAN method, the Z-Core method, the Cussum method, and other tests which is
carried out in the Accident-Prone Area Mapping application namely the Black Box
Test. All elements in this application work well as evidenced by the Black Box
The result of this study is the creation of mapping of Accident-Prone
Areas in Salatiga City based on WebGIS which is used to identify accident-prone
locations based on the analysis of the input accident data. The mapping and its
method are presented in WebGIS from. Also, this WebGIS-based Mapping of
Accident-Prone Areas in Salatiga City is equipped with the facilities of Add Data,
Share link, Basic Map Gallery, Legend, Layer List, Analysis, Print, Measurement,
About, Zoom, Meet, Current location, Home, Place Search
Keyword : Salatiga City, Mapping of Accident-Prone Area, WebGIS, Black Box