Abstract :
In driving, of course, requires equipment that supports safety and
security. Especially when using a motorbike, you are required to wear a helmet
and other riding equipment. In addition to being the main requirement for
driving, a helmet also helps prevent water from entering your face/eyes when it
rains. So that it does not interfere with the distance of the driver's field in driving.
Currently the number of accidents that occur while driving can be caused
by several factors, namely environmental / natural factors, human factors and
vehicle factors. If environmental / natural factors occur when we drive, this can
be prevented by equipping equipment that meets safety and security standards
in driving.
The manufacture of arduino uno-based automatic helmet wipers and rain
sensors can help reduce foreign objects adhering to or hitting the helmet glass.
The tool uses a microcontroller, namely Arduino Ino plus a rain sensor and servo
motor as a wiper drive. For example, with the addition of an automatic helmet
wiper, it is hoped that motorists can reduce the movement to clean the glass and
can focus on driving. Because the visibility that blocks the helmet has been
assisted by an automatic helmet wiper.