Abstract :
Transportation is the movement of people or goods from one place to
another by using a vehicle driven by humans or machines. Transportation is used
to make it easier for humans to carry out daily activities. The Ministry of
Transportation has issued Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number
111 of 2015 regarding the procedure for determining the speed limit of
motorized vehicles. The hope of this regulation can reduce the number of
accidents. Average Travel Speed is the average moving speed of the vehicle as
stated on the vehicle speedometer during the service time with a maximum
speed of 50 kmh (fifty kilometers per hour) for inner-city roads.
Based on this, this research was made to design a tool that will limit the
speed automatically with Arduino Uno microcontroller based vehicle. The
research method used is Research and Development which is a method to
produce a product. The stages of making the design speed limiting device of an
automatic vehicle based on the Arduino uno microcontroller, namely making a
series of components in the Fritzing Software, making programs or coding
(sketch) on the Arduino IDE, assembling tool components on media prototype
and testing the tool whether it is functioning properly or not.
The performance of the design speed limiting device of an automatic
vehicle based on the Arduino uno microcontroller can be obtained by reader
rotating speed from sensor Infrared (IR) then the data will be forwarded to the
Arduino and displayed on the LCD. When the sensor Infrared (IR) receives a
rotation speed of less than 50 kmh, Arduino which is programmed as an
automatic switch will not work, if the rotation speed of more than 50 kmh is
received by the Infrared (IR) sensor then Arduino will automatically work
according to the programming, it will be move the solenoid. Based on this
research, it can be concluded that the design of an automatic vehicle speed
limiting device based on the Arduino uno microcontroller can be realized into a
tool but can?t be simulated directly on a vehicle.