Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of product quality on customer loyalty on laptop acer, to determine how much influence product quality on acer laptop and whether product quality has a significant effect on customer loyalty on laptop acer in Bengkalis state polytechnic students. This study uses qualitative data. The population in this study were Bengkalis State Polytechnic students, while the sample of this study was 100 students. This research data collection technique using questionnaire techniques. This research data collection techniques is to use the Simple Linear Regression Analysis, Test R 2(coefficient of determination test), partial test Significant Test. The results of the study show that product quality has a positive influence, while the influence of product quality on customer loyalty can be concluded that product quality has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty. In terms of product quality, customer loyalty has a significant effect on students of the Bengkalis state polytechnic. Researchers suggest that laptop companies acer improve product quality better so that consumers are always satisfied with laptop products acer laptop.