Perencanaan Dan Pembuatan Usaha Roti Tawar Lumer (Aspek Tinjauan Pemasaran)
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Akbar, Panji
574 Pemasaran 
2021-09-02 15:31:00 
Abstract :
This final project is entitled "Business Planning And development Roti Tawar Lumer" (Marketing Aspect review). " The specific objectives of this project are to determine the segmenting, targeting and positioning and the marketing mix that will be carried out in the melted bread business, as well as to find out the obstacles and solutions. The method of implementing this project consists of 4, namely, project preparation plans, project implementation plans, project completion plans and project reporting plans. The project result on melted plain bread business is geographic segmentation by determining the Bengkalis area. Demographic segmentation of all income types (lower, middle and upper class) and all genders. Psychographic segmentation, Roti Tawar Lumer focuses on consumers who like to enjoy light meals or delicious snacks. The target market for this project of various groups and genders can buy Roti Tawar Lumer and various snack and snack lovers. The marketing mix consists of products, namely melted plain bread, Rp.10,000 per box price, a marketing place, namely on Jalan Panglima Minal with a delivery system, and promotion using advertising on social media (WhatsApp and Instagram). Constraints faced, namely limitations in marketing products due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The solution to this problem is to limit face-to-face marketing and increase marketing through social media. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis