Abstract :
At this time a lot of bottom ash is produced and disposed of / piled up in industrial areas especially in the city of Dumai, testing of bottom ash is carried out asa substitute for sand for the manefacture of tetrapods, to evercome abrasion especially in the Bengkalis area. The results of this test show that the useof bottom ash as a substitute for sand has a good compressive strenght value, after testing it can be seen that this system can be used and obtains a compressive strenght value of 26,57 Mpa but has not yet entered the quality plan but can still be used for the construction of tetrapods for the strait area. The method used in this test is to make a concrete mix using SNI 7656:2012 with bottom ash as a substitute for sand 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%. Concrete teated for 7 days, 28 days, and 56 days werw then tested to obtain the compressive strenght unit weight of the concrete. From the test results obtained the highest compressive strenght value of 26,57 Mpa with a variation of 100% bottom ash this test shows that the compressive strenght of the 100% variation has a fairly good compressive strenght with variations of 50%, 60%, 705, 80%, and 90%.