Abstract :
This study aims to find out the causes of delays in ship departures, to find out what factors can cause delays, and to find out how to reduce the occurrence of delays in passenger ship departures.The theoretical basis used by the author in this observation is in the form of books, the internet, laws, ministerial regulations, and other sources. The type of observation used by the writer is descriptive qualitative. This observation took place in Batam's Batu Ampar Harbor for a month, in May. Data sources were obtained from sources (informants), events or activities, documents and archives. The formulation of the problem obtained by the author is how the process of embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, how to secure the passage of passenger embarkation and debarkation, what are the efforts to reduce the occurrence of delays in ship departures. The method used by the author is the method of observation, interviews,
documentation. The results of this study stated that embarkation and debarkation still use the manual method causing delays in ship departure..