Abstract :
In the current era of technological development, electrical equipment is generally controlled manually by the user. Someone has to turn on and off electrical equipment manually. Sometimes a person forgets to turn off electrical equipment or electrical devices when leaving the Electrical Engineering department, this is due to the negligence of the user not paying attention to these electrical devices. If there are a lot of electrical devices in the Electrical Engineering Department room, it is less effective and inconvenient to manually turn off and on these electrical devices. The use of electrical energy from these devices will also not be efficient or wasteful of electrical energy. For this reason, the use of Bardi Smarthome is implemented, which has special uses for controlling electrical equipment through the Bardi Smarthome application which is controlled via a smartphone. In calculating the usage fee for the lights in the Electrical Engineering Department room, if the lights are forgotten to be turned off for 24 hours, the cost is Rp. 13,725.504 and the usage time for 8 hours is Rp. 4,575.168 per day. So the difference in the cost of using the lamp for 24 hours and 8 hours is around Rp. 10,000 per day. In calculating the cost of using air conditioning in the Electrical Engineering Department room, if you forget to turn it off for 24 hours, you will be charged Rp. 23,881,728 and around Rp. 8 hours of usage time. 7,926,576 per day. So the difference in the cost of using the lamp for 24 hours and 8 hours is around Rp. 15,000 per day.