Abstract :
This study aims to find out the problems related to the container
shipping service system using My SPIL by PT Greetings Pacific Indonesia Lines
Pekanbaru branch. The formulation of the problem includes how the goods
delivery service system uses containers through the My SPIL system, what are
the obstacles in the container shipping service using My SPIL by PT Greetings
Pacific Indonesia Lines Pekanbaru branch. The purpose of this research is to
find out the goods delivery service system using containers through the My SPIL
system and to find out what are the obstacles in the goods delivery service
system using containers through the My SPIL system. The time used in the
research starts from February to July 2023 and takes place at PT Greetings
Pacific Indonesia Lines Pekanbaru branch. The method used is descriptive
qualitative method, and data collection methods are observation, interviews,
and documentation. The theory used is related to the understanding of the
system, the understanding of service, the understanding of shipping, the
understanding of containers, and the understanding of the My SPIL system. The
results of the study show that the implementation of the container shipping
service system using My SPIL has not fully run smoothly because there are still
obstacles such as server down which currently can still be attempted to minimize
these obstacles.