Abstract :
Bengkalis State Polytechnic has a need for a web-based Computer Based Test (CBT) application for the selection of new students. The CBT application website will be accessed by dozens of selection test participants simultaneously.
The application must be able to handle transactions with acceptable performance, without crashing or stopping the application during the selection test. To obtain information on feature requirements and application appearance that truly suits the user's needs and desires, application development will apply the throw-away prototyping method using Balsamiq Mockup. Meanwhile, to test web performance,
load testing is carried out using the JMeter application. Load testing is carried out in several scenarios to produce different response time, throughput, and error rate information. Based on the results of load testing, recommendations can be made for server use (localhost or shared hosting), number of users, and the best time or hours for carrying out the selection test. The results of the comparison of errors in testing between applications before development and after development, namely for before development, the error rate was an average of 2.55%. As for after development, the error rate is an average of 1.50%.