Penjernih Air Sumur Galian Dengan Metode Aerasi Dan Filtrasi Di Daerah Teluk Pambang
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Aulia, Yusril
421 Teknik Sipil 
2023-09-13 15:09:23 
Abstract :
Teluk Pambang Village is one of the villages located in the Bantan sub-district, Bengkalis Riau district. The problem faced in Bengkalis in general in Teluk Pambang Village is the difficulty of obtaining good air quality in terms of color and smell. The problem is that air is needed for daily needs such as: bathing, washing and toilet. Dung water well in the Pambang Bay area are generally colored rusty, sticky and have a slight to very strong odor. To overcome the problem of color and odor in dug well water, it is necessary to make efforts to reduce and neutralize the color and odor in the water with one of the methods, namely the Aeration and filterization method using natural materials such as silica sand, activated carbon, and river stone. These materials can be used as materials for air purification, in which the dug water well before filtering has a pH of 5.0, and after filtering there is a change in the average pH of 8 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis