Abstract :
The calculation of work volume (quantity taken off) mostly uses conventional methods which in fact require a lot of time and labor. To reduce the amount of labor and streamline time, there are other ways that can be used, one of which is by using the Building Information Modeling (BIM) method. In this research, the author compares the results of the calculation of the volume of concrete and reinforcement between conventional methods and Building Information Modeling (BIM) methods using Allplan software, to find out how much difference the resulting volume makes. The author analyzes the volume of work of concrete structural elements and reinforcement in the project of Bridge Construction Beam I Sungai Pematang Duku Kec. Bengkalis. After an in-depth analysis of the volume calculation using Allplan software has a difference of 3% from the calculations carried out by conventional methods, this is because Allplan 2023 has not been able to calculate the reinforcement overlap automatically on the main reinforcement. Based on the results of this analysis, the use of Allplan in calculating the volume of concrete and reinforcement produces accurate results. Service providers can use Allplan to benefit in terms of time savings and the use of human resources (HR).