Abstract :
This study aims to determine the quality factors that affect product purchase interest and the effect of product quality on buying interest in Selatpanjang sago noodle products. In conducting this research, the researcher only used two variables, namely Product Quality as the independent variable and the Purchase Interest variable as the dependent variable. The research method used is a quantitative approach with a primary data approach through a survey method with a questionnaire to 100 consumers who have made purchases at Mie Sagu Selatpanjang. The
analytical method used is simple linear regression which was first performed with the classical assumption test. The factors that affect product quality on purchase intention are durability with a mean indicator of 4.25 and it can be seen that the factors that influence product quality on purchase interest are product durability in accordance with sago noodle products. This means that the factors that affect product quality on purchase intention depend on how much durability the
sago noodle product is and in accordance with consumer expectations. And hypothesis testing to determine the effect of product quality on purchase intention using statistical tests, namely the T test and determination test (R Square). The results of the study were obtained from the t test as evidenced by the t-test results of 12.002 with sig. 0.000 < 0.05 and the determination test (R Square) of 0.595 (59.5%), while the remaining 40.5% is believed by other variables not examined in this study and indicates that product quality has a significant effect on consumer purchase
interest in the product sago noodles in Selatpanjang.