Pemanfaatan Oli Bekas Sebagai Bahan Bakar Tungku Peleburan Limbah Aluminium
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Amirul, Muhamad Farid
431 Teknik Mesin (dan Ilmu Permesinan Lain) 
2023-09-22 16:14:01 
Abstract :
Waste is a major problem in every region both in the world and in Indonesia. Waste can be divided into various categories, including liquid waste and solid waste. Used oil is one of the liquid wastes produced by machines, both in large industrial and private vehicle engines. Currently, especially when the use of waste oil is not yet optimal for reprocessing by society, industry and government, so that waste oil has no economic value. This research aims to design and make an aluminum metal melting furnace using cheap and easy used oil fuel. got. The performance of the oil-fueled aluminum melting furnace is that the furnace is heated using oil as fuel, with an average fuel consumption of 1,100 liters. The highest melting time is 46 minutes, the lowest is 18 minutes. The highest temperature measured using a thermometer is 827 °C. Making an Aluminum Smelting Furnace with fuel oil is carried out from the design process to making working drawings consisting of the furnace parts, namely, top furnace cover, side furnace cover, burner, burner frame and furnace frame. 
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Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis