Abstract :
Additions to this cause are planned or alternative solutions are planned by utilizing natural resources, namely Uyung Sago or better known as thatch bark,because the thatch bark is hard and has a high carrying capacity, it is hoped that it can help stabilize peat soils. Soil stabilization is intended to increase the carrying capacity of the soil and reduce settlements in road pavement. Use Part of the road
construction has the most important aspect, which can be seen from the condition of the soil, the type of soil used as subgrade, namely soil that has a foundation that
will support the load above it, both static load and dynamic load, in order to find
out the CBR value according to the requirements (minimum CBR of subgrade = 6%). Laboratory CBR testing method (SNI 03-1744-1989) to determine the properties and effects of stabilized peat soil. Laboratory CBR testing method (SNI
03-1744-1989) to determine the properties and effects of stabilized peat soil. Result of yd max Standard Proctor Test S (100% Native Peat Soil) = 0.781 gr/cm3, OMC = 56.73%. Max yd value S+RS-1 (Native Soil 85% + 15% RS) = 0.700 gr/cm3
,OMC = 33.33%, Max ?d value S+RS-2 (Native Soil 80% + 20% RS) = 0.525 gr/cm3 , OMC = 34.38%. ?d max value S+RS-3 (75% Native Soil + 25% RS) = 0.674 gr/cm3 , OMC = 40.34%. Laboratory CBR results without SO immersion = 1.71 %, S+RS-1 = 1.38 %, S+RS-2 = 1.16 %, S+RS-3 = 1.34 %. This condition
states that the more the addition of sago palm, the density value will decrease, this is because the more use of sago palm will make the soil lighter and also reduce
water absorption. And if too little will also make the soil density decrease. CBR that occurs ?6% (does not meet the requirements as a subgrade material)